ML/AI Projects

Sentiment-Driven Stock Market Prediction using Twitter Data (Current Project)
  • Currently developing an MLOps pipeline for real-time sentiment analysis of Twitter data.
  • Extracting sentiment-related features using natural language processing (NLP) techniques (BERT/VADER), integrated with stock price trends, and training predictive models for stock market performance.
Energy Consumption Prediction of Residential Buildings using Machine Learning [Manuscript]
  • Collaborated with a team to analyze energy benchmarking datasets from eight U.S. metropolitan areas.
  • Conducted a comprehensive study utilizing extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), random forests (RF), and artificial neural networks (ANN) to predict energy consumption in residential buildings.
An Attention-Based Deep Learning Model of Clinical Events in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Used the MIMIC-III dataset, which consists of anonymized data from over 40,000 patients.
  • Collaborated with a team to develop a deep learning model utilizing gated recurrent units (GRUs) and an attention mechanism, a transformer-like mechanism, to predict clinical events.
Estimating Energy Consumption in Residential Buildings in the City of Chicago [Manuscript]
  • Outstanding project of the quarter in CS230 Deep Learning at Stanford University.
  • Used the 2018 Chicago Energy Benchmarking dataset and implemented various machine learning models, including support vector machines (SVM), RF, and ANN, and conducted a comparative study.
Exploring Better Ways to Segment Lecture Videos Based on Topic Transition
  • Contributed as a team member to develop a model for segmenting lecture videos.
  • Utilized probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) as a generative approach to model text data and analyze lecture transcripts to identify topic transitions.

Data Visualization Projects

Visualizing data using Tableau

Computational Mechanics Projects

Modeling Soil Large Deformation [Manuscript]
  • Partnered with a team to develop a three-invariant continuum cap plasticity model for large soil deformations, capturing nonlinear shear, compaction, and tensile behaviors under various loading conditions​.
  • The proposed model incorporates viscoplastic regularization to address rate-dependent effects and improve stability during softening, enabling accurate simulations of soil mechanics like triaxial compression and shear band formation.
Modeling Strain Localization [Manuscript]
  • Built a computational framework using the enhanced finite element method (EFEM), which is capable of modeling geomaterial failure caused by strain localization such as fracture, cracks, slip lines, and shear bands.
  • Investigated plasticity- and damage-like softening models to capture failure response in brittle geomaterials.
Modeling Dynamic Contact (3-Dimensional) [Manuscript]
  • Cooperated with a group to design a 3D dynamic modeling method for powder forming processes using an efficient node-to-surface contact algorithm for evaluating density distribution during powder compaction.
  • The method incorporates large finite element deformations and frictional contact modeling, improving accuracy in simulating powder compaction and predicting non-uniform density distribution.
Modeling Dynamic Contact (2-Dimensional) [Manuscript]
  • Participated as a key team member in implementing a computational algorithm for the dynamic simulation of powder compaction processes using a node-to-segment contact model and a double-surface cap plasticity theory.
  • The algorithm efficiently handles large frictional contact deformations, accurately simulating stress and density distributions in powder die-pressing with various component geometries​.
Modeling Contact (3-Dimensional and Static Analysis) [Manuscript]
  • Played a collaborative role in a team to model 3D large plastic deformation in powder forming using a node-to-surface contact algorithm with penalty and augmented-Lagrange methods for frictional contact simulation​.
  • The model successfully predicts non-uniform density and stress distributions, demonstrating efficiency through practical examples like deep drawing, tablet pressing, and shaped-charge liner compaction.